Leaping primates are specialized for hindlimb-propelled locomotion within a
rboreal habitats. As a group, they include members of Galagonidae, Lemurifo
rmes and Tarsiidae. Postcranial characters analysed here include humeral an
d femoral diaphyseal rigidity, articular surface areas and lengths. Data fo
r leaper taxa are compared with corresponding data for less specialized sma
ll primates. The more generalized comparative primates include both closely
related prosimians and distantly related platyrrhines (New World monkeys).
In addition, the leapers are subdivided for further analysis according to
body size and taxonomic association. Questions addressed concern the identi
fication of functionally and/or phylogenetically linked traits in leaper po
stcrania. Results indicate that leapers as a group have relatively higher f
emoral diaphyseal rigidity and longer femora than do more generalized prima
tes. These traits are also present in Pithecia pithecia, a platyrrhine leap
er included for comparison. These enhanced properties probably function in
resisting large hindlimb forces incurred during leaping, and in producing l
onger, more efficient leaps. Most of the large-bodied lemuriform leapers ar
e further distinguished in having relatively bigger femoral heads and reduc
ed humeral rigidity. The small-bodied leapers, galagonids and tarsiids, do
not differ in either femoral head surface area or in any of the humeral pro
perties from more generalized primates. Pithecia has a large femoral head l
ike lemuriforms, but it is not reduced in humeral rigidity. Aspects of hip
joint structure and mobility may be related to femoral head size in lemurif
orms and Pithecia. Explanations regarding reduced lemuriform humeral rigidi
ty are also explored. Differences between lemuriform primates are also pres
ent, most notably in aspects of the distal humerus. Indrids are characteriz
ed by relatively reduced trochleae, while many lemurids have relatively sma
ll capitula. These features are interpreted with regard to frequencies of s
uspensory behaviour and quadrupedalism.