Inland saline lakes in semiarid regions of the Canadian prairies contain so
me of the highest known concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). T
his dissolved organic matter (DOM) represents a potentially important carbo
n and energy source for aquatic bacteria. Redberry Lake, an oligotrophic sa
line lake in central Saskatchewan, is located in a hydrologically closed ba
sin and has high levels of DOC (seasonal mean 35 mg L-1). Despite such high
DOC concentrations, lake water is clear. Lake DOM is predominantly allocht
honous, and enters the lake via the major inflow, Oscar Creek. Despite its
origin, this DOM is compositionally much different than its creek counterpa
rt. Approximately 73% of total lake DOM is low in molecular weight (<1000 D
). XAD-8 isolated hydrophobic organic acids (HPOA) are low in aromaticity,
have high C:N ratios and a certain percentage are old (similar to 700 years
). In comparison, creek water, despite having lower DOC concentrations than
the lake (14.9 mg L-1) is highly colored. Fifty-five per cent of this DOC
is low in molecular weight and isolated DOM has higher aromaticity and lowe
r C: N ratio than lake DOM. As a result of these changes in DOM, ultraviole
t light penetrates much deeper into lake water as compared to the creek. Ph
otolysis experiments revealed that DOM in Oscar Creek and Redberry Lake is
photoreactive. Changes in lake DOM are not only linked to location within a
hydrologically closed basin and photochemistry, but provide the explanatio
n for the optically different character of DOC in this geographical region.
Changes in lake DOM have had an effect at the microbial level as well. Lit
tle of the lake DOM appears available fur bacterial growth as a result of t
hese photochemical changes. Creek DOM, having;a shorter residence time, doe
s not appear to have been as photochemically changed and consequently is mo
re available for bacterial growth.