A review is presented of methods for sampling phlebotomine sandflies (Dipte
ra: Psychodidae). Among similar to 500 species of Phlebotominae so far desc
ribed, mostly in the New World genus Lutzomyia and the Old World genus Phle
botomus, about 10% are known vectors of Leishmania parasites or other patho
gens. Despite being small and fragile, sandflies have a wide geographical r
ange with species occupying a considerable diversity of ecotopes and habita
ts, from deserts to humid forests, so that suitable methods for collecting
them are influenced by environmental conditions where they are sought. Beca
use immature phlebotomines occupy obscure terrestrial habitats, it is diffi
cult to find their breeding sites. Therefore, most trapping methods and sam
pling procedures focus on sandfly adults, whether resting or active. The di
urnal resting sites of adult sandflies include tree holes, buttress roots,
rock crevices, houses, animal shelters and burrows, from which they may be
aspirated directly or trapped after being disturbed. Sandflies can be colle
cted during their periods of activity by interception traps, or by using at
tractants such as bait animals, CO2 or light. The method of trapping used s
hould: (a) be suited to the habitat and area to be surveyed, (b) take into
account the segment of the sandfly population to be sampled (species, sex a
nd reproduction condition) and (c) yield specimens of appropriate condition
for the study objectives (e.g. identification of species present, populati
on genetics or vector implication). Methods for preservation and transporta
tion of sandflies to the laboratory also depend on the objectives of a part
icular study and are described accordingly.