A model of sintering by coupled surface diffusion and grain-boundary diffus
ion is presented, which is based on the numerical simulation of interpartic
le neck changes. This model is used to investigate the bulk viscosity of pa
rticle aggregates through densification. The results obtained suggest that
a sintering powder has a Newtonian behaviour. The neck size is found to be
the parameter that better controls the viscosity. However, as density is th
e most convenient parameter to be introduced in constitutive equations, two
expressions of viscosity against density are proposed for the cases when s
urface diffusion is faster or slower than grain-boundary diffusion. It is s
hown that the models proposed in the literature for the initial sintering s
tage predict the same evolution as numerical results in the case of slow su
rface diffusion, even at high density. On the other hand the models propose
d for the intermediate stage predict the same evolution as numerical result
s in the case of fast surface diffusion. even at low density.