In long term manned space missions, oxygen, water and food supplies are a c
ritical issue. Bioregenerative systems, and among them those relying on mic
robial processes, represent one of the most promising alternatives. Studies
of these systems from the engineering point of view, requires the developm
ent of mathematical models and their validation with small scale experiment
al systems (breadboards, pilot plants, etc.). Usually, these studies do not
take into account the effects of space environment (i.e. reduced gravity o
r microgravity, radiation, direct sunlight, temperature, etc...). Despite s
everal scientific experiments, intending to qualify such effects, only few
quantitative results are available. In this paper, the possibility of an au
tonomous off-board experiment, named the First Extraterrestrial Man Made Ec
osystem, is investigated. The experiment is based on a very simplified ecos
ystem consisting in a photoautotrophic compartment and a heterotrophic one,
linked by their gas phase. According to its biological concept, this exper
iment should provide data on microbial growth kinetics in space, and the ef
fects of radiation and gravity. It has been conceived as an entirely automa
tic device. Its design involves several technological concepts such as ther
mal control, the use of direct sunlight and radiation shielding. This work
is done under the framework of ESA biological life support systems research
program. The aim of this document is to provide a preliminary concept of t
he experiment. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.