A. Van Kerckvoorde et al., Terrestrial soil diatom assemblages from different vegetation types in Zackenberg (Northeast Greenland), POLAR BIOL, 23(6), 2000, pp. 392-400
A total of 81 taxa were observed from 30 soil samples taken from 5 differen
t vegetation types in Northeast Greenland. Most of the dominant diatoms are
well-known cosmopolitan aerophilic taxa; only Caloneis aerophila and Pinnu
laria lagerstedtii are less widespread species. The valve lengths of P. bor
ealis and Hantzschia amphioxys are correlated with the moisture content of
the soils. Average cell number/g dry weight of soil amounts to 1,120,000 +/
- 740,000. In a TWINSPAN classification, the soils of the different vegetat
ion types are separated, with the exception of the Vaccinium soils, which a
re grouped partly with the Cassiope samples and partly with the Salix soils
. In a CCA ordination diagram, the Navicula atomus-Fragilaria elliptica ass
emblage shows a positive correlation with organic content and pH and a nega
tive one with permafrost depth. The Pinnularia divergentissima var. martini
i-P. obscura assemblage is positively correlated with moisture. The Pinnula
ria lagerstedtii-Caloneis aerophila assemblage is positively correlated wit
h permafrost depth and negatively with pH and moisture.