Near-extreme black holes can lose their charge and decay by the emissi
on of massive Bogomol'ni-Prasad-Sommerfield charged particles. We calc
ulate the greybody factors for low-energy charged and neutral scalar e
mission from four- and five-dimensional near extremal Reissner-Nordstr
om black holes. We use the corresponding emission rates to obtain rati
os of the rates of loss of excess energy by charged and neutral emissi
on, which are moduli independent, depending only on the integral charg
es and the horizon potentials. We consider scattering experiments, fin
ding that evolution towards a state in which the integral charges are
equal is favored, but neutral emission will dominate the decay back to
extremality except when one charge is much greater than the others. T
he implications of our results for the agrement between black hole and
D-brane emission rates and for the information loss puzzle an then di