The natural polyamines (putrescine, spermidine and spermine) are ubiquitous
low-molecular aliphatic amines that play multifunctional roles in cell gro
wth and differentiation Recently, evidence has merging that polyamines are
actively involved in cell death. Changes in polyamine homeostasis have been
reported during cell death of nerve cells, in programmed cell death of emb
ryonic cells and in various in vitro models of apoptosis. Polyamines and ma
ny oft heir structural analogs exert cytotoxic effects in vitro as well in
vivo. Futhermore, polyamine analogs and inhibitors of the polyamine anaboli
c/catabolic pathways modulate processes of cell death in a cell-type specif
ic way. Much ambiguity exists in the working mechanisms by which polyamines
mediate apoptosis since they have been shown to act as promoting; modulati
ng or protective agents in apoptosis. Nevertheless, from the studies review
ed here it can be concluded that polyamines are critically involved in cell
ular survival which makes them suitable targets for therapeutic interventio
n that is specifically directed to cell death pathways.