The representation of free-form surfaces by sufficiently refined polygonal
meshes has become common in many geometric modeling applications where comp
licated objects have to be handled. While working with triangle meshes is f
lexible and efficient, prominent difficulties arise from the lack of infini
tesimal smoothness and the prohibitive complexity of highly detailed 3D mod
els. In this paper, we discuss the generation of fair triangle meshes that
are optimal with respect to some discretized curvature energy functional. T
he key issues are the proper definition of discrete curvature, the smoothin
g of high-resolution meshes by filter operators, and the efficient generati
on of optimal meshes by solving a sparse linear system that characterizes t
he global minimum of an energy functional. Results and techniques from diff
erential geometry, variational surface design (fairing), and numerical anal
ysis are combined to find efficient and robust algorithms that generate smo
oth meshes of arbitrary topology that interpolate or approximate a given se
t of data points.