An encrypted database interfaced with an ultrafast secure data communicatio
n system using spatial-temporal converters is proposed. The original spatia
l signal is optically encrypted, and the encrypted signal is holographicall
y stored in a storage medium such as photorefractive materials. The spatial
ly encrypted signal is sampled to avoid the overlap of each datum at the re
ceiver. The sampled data are converted into a temporal signal to transmit t
he information through an optical fiber. At the receiver the temporal signa
l is converted back into the spatially encrypted signal. Retrieval of the o
riginal data can be achieved when the correct phase key is used in the decr
yption system. We developed an expression for encrypted output and decrypte
d data. We numerically evaluate the effect of sampling the spatially encryp
ted signal on the quality of the decrypted data. (C) 2000 Optical Society o
f America. OCIS codes: 320.7160, 210.2860, 200.4560.