Consider a collection of spatially clustered objects where the clusters are
geographically rare. Of interest is estimation of the total number of obje
cts on the site from a sample of plots of equal size. Under these spatial c
onditions, adaptive cluster sampling of plots is generally useful in improv
ing efficiency in estimation over simple random sampling without replacemen
t (SRSWOR). In adaptive cluster sampling, when a sampled plot meets some pr
edefined condition, neighboring plots are added to the sample. When populat
ions are rare and clustered, the usual unbiased estimators based on small s
amples are often highly skewed and discrete in distribution. Thus, confiden
ce intervals based on asymptotic normal theory may not be appropriate. We i
nvestigated several nonparametric bootstrap methods for constructing confid
ence intervals under adaptive cluster sampling. To perform bootstrapping, w
e transformed the initial sample in order to include the information from t
he adaptive portion of the sample yet maintain a fixed sample size. In gene
ral, coverages of bootstrap percentile methods were closer to nominal cover
age than the normal approximation.