Several definitions of leaf area index (LAI) presently exist in the literat
ure but the relationships among them are not clear. To compare the results
of various studies, there is a need to convert from one definition to anoth
er. Factors for converting among four definitions of LAI are presented for
six conifer species: Abies grandis (DougI. ex D. Don) Lindl., Thuja plicata
Donn ex D. Don., Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg., Picea sitchensis (Bong.)
Carr.), Pinus contorta Dougl., and Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb) France). A
mong the four definitions of LAI, the two extremes involve (i) the total ar
ea of the leaf and (ii) the projected area of nonhorizontal leaves, as they
occur on the tree. If leaves are randomly oriented in space, then the conv
ersion factor between definitions i and ii should be 0.25. Four of the six
species have conversion factors very close to this value, and three of thes
e four are relatively shade-intolerant. The remaining two species, A. grand
is and Thuja plicata, have conversion factors of approximately 0.35, owing
to the approximately horizontal orientation of their leaves. These two spec
ies are both relatively shade-tolerant, and the trend toward horizontal lea
ves might be an adaptation to assist in shade tolerance. A sensitivity anal
ysis indicated that the foliage of most of the species maximized the amount
of light gathered when the light was coming from almost straight overhead,
as is the case with many shaded forest trees.