What determines the lengths and proportions of mammalian limbs? While
the answer to this question is still largely unknown, a number of work
ers have recently begun analysing the selection of morphology in a rig
orous framework, searching for quantitative links between structure, p
erformance, and their ecological and behavioural context. The present
study investigates a variety of ecological and behavioural variables t
o determine whether or not they are correlated with hind-limb length i
n the Carnivora. Data were analysed by using phylogenetically independ
ent contrasts and phylogenetic analysis of covariance. We found that t
raditional perceptions of limb length are often inaccurate; some speci
es widely regarded as relatively long-legged actually have limb length
s near those expected for their body size. Interestingly, relative hin
d-limb length is not a significant predictor of distance moved daily,
home-range area, or prey size. Phylogenetic ANCOVA results, however, i
ndicate a relationship between prey-capture behaviour and relative hin
d-limb length. These findings suggest that the evolution of carnivoran
limb length has been most influenced by selection for prey-capture be
haviour. These results, coupled with those of other studies, can be us
ed to suggest which performance variables could most Fruitfully be stu
died in the laboratory to understand the selection of the structure of
the mammalian limb. We suggest that relevant performance variables mi
ght be: maximum jump height and/or length, the ability to generate out
forces, and levels of stress tolerance in limb bones during prey pursu