The terrestrial slug Deroceras juranum Wuthrich, 1993 (Gastropoda: Agr
iolimacidae) has been described as an endemic species of the Swiss Jur
a Mountains (Switzerland) where it occurs at high altitudes. The speci
es description was mainly based on its characteristic blackish-violet
body colour. Breeding experiments and comparative studies of the genit
al anatomy and mating behaviour indicate that D.juranum is nothing but
a colour morph of the usually cream-coloured D. rodnae Grossu & Lupu,
1965. The body colour seems to be coded by a single locus with two al
leles, of which violet is dominant over cream. Topographical colour va
riation has also been observed in arionid slugs. Its possible biologic
al (i.e. selective?) meaning is discussed. The slugs are able to repro
duce uniparentally with their offspring showing recombination.