In recent years, two methods of intraoperative monitoring of the laryngeal
nerve have mostly been used: evoked electromyographic responses via endscop
ically applied needle electrodes inserted into the adducting laryngeal musc
les, and non-invasive electrodes like special tubes with integrated electro
des or separately insertable electrodes like the postcricoid electrode or d
isposable electrodes attached to the tube, as used in this study. The incid
ence of recurrent nerve paresis or paralysis during the IRM period was 1/17
4 nerves (0.6 %). The advantage of the IRM is the quick and certain identif
ication of the nerve; intraoperative monitoring cannot replace a proper sur
gical technique. We conclude that the IRM, using a laryngeal surface electr
ode attached to the tube, is a safe and reliable method.