In this paper, we present results of simulation experiments with the TIME-m
odel on the issue of mitigation strategies with regard to greenhouse gases.
The TIME-model is an integrated system dynamics world energy model that ta
kes into account the fact that the system has an inbuilt inertia and endoge
nous learning-by-doing dynamics, besides the more common elements of price-
induced demand response and fuel substitution. First, we present four scena
rios to highlight the importance of assumptions on innovations in energy te
chnology in assessing the extent to which CO2 emissions have to be reduced.
The inertia of the energy system seems to make a rise of CO2 emissions in
the short term almost unavoidable. It is concluded that for the population
and economic growth assumptions of the IPCC IS92a scenario, only a combinat
ion of supply- and demand-side oriented technological innovations in combin
ation with policy measures can bring the target of CO2-concentration stabil
ization at 550 ppmv by the year 2100 within reach. This will probably be as
sociated with a temporary increase in the overall energy expenditures in th
e world economy. Postponing the policy measures will be more disadvantageou
s, and less innovation in energy technology will happen.