Pollution coming from agricultural practices can exist: pesticides, veterin
ary drugs, heavy metals but also mycotoxines. However, these contaminants a
re always at low or trace doses in our environment (foods, water, air, soil
s). In terms of foods, two concepts have been developed to protect the cons
umers: acceptable daily intake (ADI) and maximum residue limits (MRL). The
impact of this pollution on public health is not evident, in contradiction
with the level fear in the population. Moreover, the distinction made betwe
en natural and synthetic substances by the public in terms of toxicity is q
uite nonsense scientifically. Human beings and all living organisms have a
good defence system against chemical xenobiotics which ensures their protec
tion. (C) 2000 Academie des sciences/Editions scientifiques et medicales El
sevier SAS.