The impact of ATM cell delays on multimedia application performance is stud
ied through measurements using a broadband network analyser. A method is de
veloped to measure the ATM cell delays of an application using the analyser
. It is found that the cell delay distribution becomes continuous as the tr
affic load on a connection becomes lighter. The effect of background traffi
c on cell delay for a reference connection is studied. Though the cell dela
y of the reference connection is unaffected by the presence of background t
raffic, the cell-delay auto-correlation is found to decrease. A gamma distr
ibution is used to approximate the cell delay distribution. The measurement
results closely match the delay prediction using the approximation. In a n
etwork with multiple ATM switches, the gamma distribution only slightly ove
restimates the delay. The frame level statistics and the cell delay perform
ance of a video conferencing application based on motion JPEG are measured.
Using the gamma cell delay distribution, the frame loss of an MPEG-I video
source is predicted and compared against the measured values based on MPEG
-I traces. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.