We have studied the maturation of a glucose-responsive insulin release from
fetal rat islets, and specifically investigated the im pact of nutrients,
alpha-adrenoceptors, imidazoline receptors, and cyclic adenosine monophosph
ate (cAMP), Islets were isolated from 21-d-old fetal rats and maintained fo
r 7 d in tissue culture at 3.3 or 11.1 mM glucose and Various supplements.
Culture in the presence of the nonglucidic nutrient alpha-ketoisocaproic ac
id (KIC), markedly enhanced both basal and stimulated insulin release from
islets cultured at either low or high glucose. Additionally, KIC significan
tly elevated the insulin content of islets maintained in low glucose, where
as it slightly lowered it in islets cultured at high glucose. Culture with
phentolamine, an antagonist of alpha-adrenergic and imidazoline receptors,
markedly amplified both basal and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion when
added with islets cultured in either low or high glucose. By contrast, the
pure alpha(2)-adrenoceptor antagonist benextramine had no such effects. Ad
dition to culture media of a membrane-permeant agonist (Sp-cAMP[S]) or anta
gonist (Rp-cAMP[S]) of cAMP-dependent protein kinases types I and II Failed
to influence basal or glucose-responsive insulin secretory rates at either
glucose concentration during culture as well as islet insulin content. In
conclusion, islet beta-cell differentiation and functional maturation of th
e stimulus-secretion coupling can be accelerated in vitro in fetal rat panc
reatic tissue by nutrient stimulation, and by interference with imidazoline
receptors, whereas cAMP seems virtually ineffective in this respect. These
effecters may be of regulatory significance in the in vivo development of
glucose-sensitive beta-cells.