Chemoprevention trials in Asia, including those already completed and those
now ongoing, are reviewed. Information was mainly collected from Japan, Ko
rea and China. Each country features its own characteristics. Cancer chemop
revention trials targeting, from various aspects, hepatocellular carcinoma,
gastric cancer and colon cancer have been, and are now being, conducted in
Japan. Japan also has a long history of basic carcinogenesis research and
carcinogenic research using animal experiments. In Korea, ginseng is the ma
in focus of studies of chemopreventive agents. A large body of information
has been collected and prospective studies are also ongoing. In China, the
Linxian study, a cooperative study participated in by China and the NCI of
the USA, is well known and the results impressive. However. we must exercis
e caution because, for example, the population of Linxian are chronically d
eficient in multiple vitamins and trace minerals. This situation may, there
fore, differ from that observed in other countries. in any event, chemoprev
ention studies will be popular from an economical point of view even in Asi
a because cancer is becoming the number one cause of death in these countri
es. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.