Recombinant adenoviruses are useful vectors for basic research. When the ve
ctors are used for delineating protein function, several viruses, each cont
aining a mutated version of the transgene are compared at the same time. Ho
wever, methods to generate multiple vectors simultaneously within a short t
ime period are cumbersome. In this report, we show that a novel backbone pl
asmid, when cotransfected with routinely used shuttle vectors into HEK293 c
ells allowed for production of recombinant viruses in an average of 14 days
. The recombinant Viruses had no detectable wild-type virus contamination b
y A549 plaque assay and only three to 300 Ela copies per 10(9) adenovirus g
enomes by a sensitive PCR-based assay. Further culturing or serial amplific
ation did not result in wild-type revertants nor did cultures show increase
d levels of Ela copy number by quantitative PCR. Thus, recombinant adenovir
us vectors can be produced very simply, rapidly and with little to no conta
minating wild-type particles. This system should facilitate the generation
of multiple genetic variants by eliminating the need for time-consuming pla
que purification and the need to manipulate and screen very large plasmids.