As the cultural climate coward smoking changes restrictive workplace smokin
g policies are becoming widely accepted by both employers and employees. Th
ere is, however, a crucial difference between those policies which accommod
ate reserved areas for smoking and those which do not. Smokers at work tend
to prefer the former especially when the alternative is a total ban. An ev
aluation of a smoking ban implemented at a Scottish University in October 1
997 suggests that the total ban is not only unpopular with smokers but also
among non-smokers who experience unintended consequences of the new policy
. The greatest complaint from non-smokers stems from the relocation of smok
ing to outside and particularly around the entrances to University building
s. This relocation has increased environmental pollution for those entering
and leaving work, presents a poor image to outsiders and visitors, creates
unsightly smoking debris and heightens the risk of fire. Furthermore, empl
oyees who smoke outside, in all weathers, have aroused the sympathies of a
large number of their non-smoking colleagues. These unintended consequences
have prompted many non-smoking staff to favour the reinstatement of reserv
ed smoking areas inside work. In this article we argue, however, that this
is not a sensible solution and that there may indeed be some advantage in i
ncreasing the visibility of smokers at work. In the short term non-smoking
staff become more aware of the problems faced by smokers. In the longer ter
m, this raised awareness may have implications for changing organizational
attitudes to the provision of health intervention programmes at the Univers
ity. Certainly continuing organizational-based cessation support might demo
nstrate, alongside a restrictive smoking policy, a less punitive and more c
aring approach to the promotion of health-related behavioural change at wor