We present an efficient approach to forming feature maps. The method involv
es three stages. In the first stage, we use the K-means algorithm to select
N-2 (i.e., the size of the feature map to be formed) cluster centers from
a data set, Then a heuristic assignment strategy is employed to organize th
e N-2 selected data points into an N x N neural array so as to form an init
ial feature map. If the initial map is not good enough, then it will be fin
e-tuned by the traditional Kohonen self-organizing feature map (SOM) algori
thm under a fast cooling regime in the third stage. By our three-stage meth
od, a topologically ordered feature map would be formed very quickly instea
d of requiring a huge amount of iterations to fine-tune the weights toward
the density distribution of the data points, which usually happened in the
conventional SOM algorithm, Three data sets are utilized to illustrate the
proposed method.