Validity interval analysis (VIA) is a generic tool for analyzing the input-
output behavior of feedforward neural networks. VIA is a rule extraction te
chnique that relies on a rule refinement algorithm, The rules are of the fo
rm R-i --> R-o which reads if the input of the neural network is in the reg
ion R-i, then its output is in the region R-o, where regions are axis paral
lel hypercubes. VIA conjectures, then refines and checks rules for inconsis
tency. This process can be computationally expensive, and the rule refineme
nt phase becomes critical. Hence, the importance of knowing the complexity
of these rule refinement algorithms.
In this paper, we show that the rule refinement part of VIA always converge
s in one run for single-weight-layer networks, and has an exponential avera
ge rate of convergence for multilayer networks. We also discuss some variat
ions of the standard VIA formulae.