In twenty years, the prison population, from the mother country and th
e overseas departements, has move than doubled, in spite of reprieve a
nd amnisty decisions. This increase is more a consequence of longer pe
nalties than of a rise in the number of imprisonned people. The law, n
degrees 94-43, dated january 18th 1994, concerning the prisoners' med
ical care and welfare is an imprecedented health revolution. It comes
in addition to provisions form 1986 and 1987 for the programme ''13 00
0'' prisons and those indowed with a regional medical and psychologica
l service (SMPR). The prisoners' health must urgently be dealt with an
d particularly as regards infectious diseases vaccination chek-up, cam
paign against drug addiction health and nutrition education and dental
care. As soon as incarceration has begun, the exist must be prepared
and taken into consideration by the different interveners inside and o
utside the prison, in order to make sure of an efficient medical follo
w up. As the number of intervening medical and social personnel, is in
creasing in prisons, a coordination inside the their walls as well as
on the regional and national levels, would prove useful.