The primary objective of the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS
) Project is to produce water-leaving radiances within an uncertainty of 5%
in clear-water regions, and chlorophyll a concentrations within 35% over t
he range of 0.05-50 mg m(-3). Any global mission, like SeaWiFS, requires va
lidation data from a wide variety of investigators. This places a significa
nt challenge on quantifying the total uncertainty associated with the in si
tu measurements. because each investigator follows slightly different pract
ices when it comes to implementing all of the steps associated with collect
ing field data, even those with a prescribed set of protocols. This study u
ses data from multiple cruises to quantify the uncertainties associated wit
h implementing data collection procedures while using different in-water op
tical instruments and deployment methods. A comprehensive approach is under
taken and includes (a) the use of a portable light source and in water inte
rcomparisons to monitor the stability of the field radiometers, (b) alterna
tive methods for acquiring reference measurements, and (c) different techni
ques for making in-water profiles. Three optical systems had quadrature sum
uncertainties sufficiently small to ensure a combined uncertainty for the
spaceborne and in situ measurements within a total 5% vicarious calibration
budget. A free-fall profiler using (relatively inexpensive) modular compon
ents performed best (2.7% quadrature sum uncertainty), although a more soph
isticated (and comparatively expensive) profiler using integral components
was very close and only 0.5% higher. A relatively inexpensive system deploy
ed with a winch and crane was also close, but ship shadow contamination inc
reased the quadrature sum uncertainty to approximately 3.4%.