The pelvis of crocodilians is highly derived in that the pubic bones are is
olated from the acetabulum and are attached to the ischia via moveable join
ts. We examined the possible role of this unusual morphology in lung ventil
ation by measuring ventilation, abdominal pressure and the electrical activ
ity of several abdominal and pelvic muscles in the American alligator (Alli
gator mississippiensis). We found that the activity of two pelvic muscles,
the ischiopubis and ischiotruncus muscles, was correlated with inspiration;
these muscles rotate the pubes ventrally and thereby increase abdominal vo
lume. During expiration, contraction of the rectus abdominis and transversu
s abdominis rotates the pubes dorsally, We suggest that this mechanism faci
litates diaphragmatic breathing by creating space for caudal displacement o
f the viscera during inspiration. Because birds also use a dorso-ventral mo
vement of the pelvis to effect ventilation, some form of pelvic aspiration
may be plesiomorphic for archosaurs.