Objective: To evaluate the ocular toxicity of intravitreous octreotide
. Design: New Zealand white rabbits weighing approximately 2 kg were g
iven 5 mg (group 1, two eyes), 2 mg (group 2, four eyes), 1 mg (group
3, four eyes), 0.5 mg (group 4, two eyes), 0.3 mg (group 5, two eyes)
or 0.1 mg (group 7, two eyes) of octreotide acetate, two doses of 0.3
mg 1 week apart (group 6, four eyes) or 0.1 mL of balanced salt soluti
on (group 8 [control group], two eyes). Outcome measures: Findings on
clinical examination and electroretinography, performed before and 10
days after injection, and on light microscopy. Results: Cataracts deve
loped in groups 1 and 2. No clinical changes were found in groups 3 to
8. Electroretinography showed various degrees of decrease in the b-wa
ve amplitude in groups 1 and 2; the results were normal in groups 3 to
8. Histologic examination showed macrophage and monocyte infiltration
in the vitreous and retina in group 1. No histologic change was seen
in the eyes in groups 2 to 8. Conclusions: Octreotide injected intravi
treally is safe at dosages of 1 mg or less.