K. Jurgens et E. Jeppesen, The impact of metazooplankton on the structure of the microbial food web in a shallow, hypertrophic lake, J PLANK RES, 22(6), 2000, pp. 1047-1070
Shallow, hypertrophic Lake Sobygard is characterized by strong fluctuations
in the plankton community structure over short time scales, and cascading
predation effects from higher to lower trophic levels. We examined the coup
ling between the classical and microbial food web for al month period, duri
ng which the typical zooplankton summer succession from rotifers (mainly Br
achionus spp.) to cyclopoid copepods and daphnids occurred. In addition to
the analysis of the plankton succession, we performed mesocosm experiments,
comparing the microbial community structure in treatments with and without
metazooplankton. We focused on the development of different functional gro
ups within the microbial food web: total heterotrophic bacteria, filamentou
s bacteria (as grazing-resistant forms), prokaryotic and eukaryotic, autotr
ophic picoplankton (pAPP and eAPP), heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) and
ciliates. During the first experiment, the metazooplankton was dominated b
y rotifers which exerted only moderate top-down control on small ciliates,
HNF and APP. Cascading predation effects were visible after the collapse of
the rotifer population; enhanced protozoan grazing resulted in a decrease
in single-celled bacteria and an increase in filamentous bacteria. During t
he second experiment, characterized by dominance of Cyclops vicinus, strong
alterations in the microbial food web structure occurred. The most obvious
effects were an efficient predation control of planktonic ciliates by cope
pods and a shift of the picoplankton towards filamentous bacteria and a ver
y high biomass of pAPP, which we interpret as a result of enhanced protozoa
n grazing pressure on bacterioplankton. After the peak in cyclopoids, Daphn
ia spp. became the dominant zooplankton taxa which resulted in the well kno
wn strong predation effects on all microbial components. The two experiment
s confirm that metazooplankton species composition is an important structur
ing factor for the microbial food web. Two functional groups deserve specia
l attention: filamentous bacteria and pAPP. Filamentous bacteria, which att
ained nearly 50% of total heterotrophic bacterial biomass during the second
period, seem to be a sensitive indicator of the overall planktonic food we
b structure and showed significant responses in the enclosures. With a spec
ial staining procedure, we analysed the abundance of filamentous bacteria i
n Lugol-fixed samples collected since 1984 during periods when either daphn
ids, cyclopoids or rotifers dominated the metazooplankton community. On ave
rage, high abundance of filaments was always associated with Cyclops-domina
ted situations, low numbers with Daphnia dominance and high, but rather var
iable numbers with rotifer dominance. A general close correlation of pAPP w
ith filamentous bacteria might indicate that pAPP also possess a reduced ed
ibility for protozoans.