Multicast is an important collective communication in scalable parallel com
puters. One efficient scheme to perform multicast is multidestination messa
ging[8]. In multidestination messaging, destination nodes of a multicast ar
e partitioned into disjoint groups. Nodes in each group are reached with a
multidestination message that conforms to the base routing algorithm of the
system. A systematic way of partitioning the nodes is critical to the effi
ciency of multidestination messaging. In this paper we propose a node group
ing method, called turn grouping, for partitioning the destination nodes in
a multicast. Turn grouping is general in the sense that it supports any ba
se routing algorithm derivable from the turn model [5]. Given such a base r
outing algorithm and the corresponding prohibited turns, turn grouping can
systematically produce a proper schedule for multicasting the message. We e
valuated the performance of turn grouping using three typical turn model-ba
sed routing algorithms. The simulation results show that our approach perfo
rms better than the Umesh [12] and the Hamiltonian-path [8] algorithms.