Background. The measurement of burn surface area is important during the in
itial management of burn patients for estimating fluid requirements and det
ermining hospital admission criteria. The "rule of nines" is commonly used
for this purpose. However, the proportional contribution of various major b
ody segments to the total body surface area changes with obesity. Similarly
infants have very large heads, altering the overall contribution of other
body segments to the total body surface area.
Methods. Detailed body surface area measurements mere made in 47 patients:
18 were of normal weight, 6 were moderately obese, and 23 were seriously ob
ese. Published tables of similar measurements for infants mere reviewed to
determine how the rule of nines applied to these populations. The contribut
ion of the major body segments to the overall body surface area was calcula
ted and compared to estimates that would be derived for these segments from
the rule of nines.
Results. The rule of nines provides reasonable estimates of body surface ar
ea for patients ranging from 10 to 80 kg. For obese patients weighing more
than 80 kg a rule of fives is proposed: 5% body surface area for each arm,
5 x 4 or 20% for each leg, 10 x 5 or 50% for the trunk, and 2% for the head
. For infants weighing less than 10 kg a rule of eights applies: 8% for eac
h arm, 8 x 2 or 16% for each leg, 8 x 4 or 32% for the trunk, and 20% for t
he head.
Conclusion. Various body parts differentially contribute to the total body
surface area. Because these relationships remain relatively constant throug
hout growth, the rule of nines provides reasonable estimates for the determ
ination of burned body surface area for most children and adults. These rel
ationships break down for infants and obese adults and the proposed modific
ations to the rule of nines provide better estimates of surface area for th
ese groups. (C) 2000 Academic Press.