The sole ineversibility considered in an endoreversible Carnot heat pump mo
del is the loss of heat resistance between the heat pump and its surroundin
g heat reservoirs. This paper presents a generalized irreversible Carnot he
at pump model by taking into account several additional internal irreversib
ilities of the heat pump. such as heat leakage, friction, turbulence and ot
her undesirable irreversibility factors. This is done by means of a constan
t parameter and a constant coefficient, together with the loss of heat resi
stance. The relationship between the optimal heating load and the coefficie
nt of performance (COP) is derived from a generalized heat transfer law Q =
K Delta(T-n). The effect of heat leakage, internal irreversibility, and he
at transfer law on the optimal performance of the generalized irreversible
Carnot heat pump is investigated.