Background: This study sought to determine whether the number of antecedent
life events reported in the year before hip fracture among elderly patient
s was normal for the population from which these patients derive. Major lif
e events are events such as births, deaths, major financial dealings, and m
ajor health changes.
Methods: Life events reported in the year before a fall and hip fracture fo
r 111 hip fracture patients were compared with those of a control sample of
90 nonfracture, community-dwelling ambulatory elderly.
Results: The total number of lift: events was higher in the hip Fracture gr
oup (p = 0.0001) than In the community control group. Fracture was also ass
ociated with the number of events experienced (adjusted OR, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.
6-2.7; p < 0.0007), notwithstanding age, marital status, and education.
Conclusion: Older persons who had sustained a fall-related traumatic hip fr
acture experienced an increased number of major life events compared with a
nonfracture population sample of community-dwelling elderly controls.