Ecological risk assessment (ERA) is an iterative process that can involve p
roceeding through several tiers of assessment prior to obtaining results wi
th acceptable uncertainty. The first tier (e,g,, screening-level risk asses
sment (SLRA)) is typically conservative and serves to narrow the scope of t
he assessment to the main issues of concern. The strategy for subsequent as
sessment tiers (e,g., detailed level risk assessment (DLRA)) is dependent o
n a number of factors and is difficult to prejudge. Consequently, while for
mal prescriptive guidance may be useful for the SLRA, it would probably be
constraining for DLRA and reduce the effectiveness of the risk assessment p
rocess, This paper examines the level of detail required for SLRA and DLRA,
Differences between the two include: type of information; levels of resour
ces, conservatism and uncertainty; information used; range of substances of
potential concern (SOPCs) and receptors considered; use of multiple lines
of evidence; level of effects estimation; point versus probabilistic estima
tes of exposure and effects. The appropriate level of detail for both types
of risk assessment is described, but not prescribed. (C) 2000 Elsevier Sci
ence Ltd. All rights reserved.