We evaluated the respiratory modulation of heart rate, i.e,, respiratory si
nus arrhythmia (RSA), with respect to respiratory phase derived from an ana
lytic signal from the lung volume curve, during spontaneous breathing and p
aced breathing with different patterns. The magnitudes and waveforms of RSA
in the phase domain were similar regardless of breathing pattern, even inc
luding spontaneous breathing. An examination of the occurrence of heart bea
ts with respect to the respiratory phase revealed that synchronized pattern
s recently reported in the literature (Nature 392, 239, 1998) were observed
during paced breathing with breath holding periods whereby the respiratory
phase advanced more slowly. It was concluded that the phase domain approac
h might be useful in extracting RSA during spontaneous breathing and for el
ucidating detailed mechanisms for RSA. However, the use of this technique f
or studies investigating cardio-respiratory coupling should be approached c
autiously, as the results may be influenced by breathing patterns.