The accomplishment of a complete digestive process of human stomach is regu
lated by a spatio-temporally-coordinated electric pattern called gastric my
oelectrical activity (GMA). The normal patterns of GMA present temporal evo
lution from endogenous rhythmic oscillation to bursting of spikes associate
d with contractions, and also ordered spatial propagation of the oscillatin
g waves. The abnormal patterns of GMA have been observed in temporal dysrhy
thmia, such as tachygastria, bradygastria and arrhythmia, and in spatial pr
opagation failure, such as retrograde propagation and uncoupling. Different
GMA patterns are associated with different gastric symptoms and there exis
t some nonlinear mechanisms to govern the formation and dynamic evolution o
f these patterns. However, these mechanisms are so complex that few of them
are known by medical observations. The aim of this study is to explore the
se mechanisms by spatio-temporal modeling of GMA, The single-cell model sim
ulating the formation process of slow waves and spikes, the multi-cell mode
l simulating the propagation process of GMA and the extracellular model sim
ulating the formation of bipolar recordings are presented.