The data from 262 cases of third ventricle (V3) tumors treated in 21 Depart
ments of Neurosurgery in France between 1980 and 1995 were collected in thi
s series. These tumors were frequent in young adults, and 17.5 % of the pat
ients were children. Colloid cysts (55 %) and gliomas (19 %) were the most
frequent lesions. Other tumors were rare, or exceptonnal.
Clinical presentation - The duration of symptoms was short in time, despite
these lesions were usually benign. Most of cases were revealed by intracra
nial hypertension (63 %), sometimes with a paroxystic or positional evoluti
on. Neuropsychological signs (48 %) were undoubtedly under-estimated, revea
ling the disease in only 10 % of cases. Ophthalmologic signs and endocrine
disorders were infrequent. This feature is related to the selection of pati
ents in this series, as tumors arising from the floor of the third ventricl
e or from the optic chiasm were excluded. Endocrine disorders were frequent
with gliomas (30 %).
Therapeutic management - In half of the patients, hydrocephalus was absent
or mild and was ruled out after the treatment of the ventricular lesion. Ho
wever, 12 % of patients required a shunt procedure after the treatment of t
he ventricular lesion. A stereotactic procedure was performed in 63 patient
s, 12 had ventriculoscopy, and a direct surgical approach to the V3 was per
formed in 200 patients, sometimes after the failure of stereotactic or endo
scopic procedures. Thirty sir patients received no treatment. The patients
were operated on via a transcortical approach (159 cases), or via the anter
ior transcallosal route (35 patients). Postoperative course was uneventful
in 67 % of rite patients, complications were recorded in 24 % of patients.
Mortality and morbidity - The overall mortality in the national series is 1
3.7 % (36/262 died). The death occur red before any treatment (4 patients),
or was directly correlated to the surgical procedure (13 cases), to long-t
erm complications of hydrocephalus (2 patients), to general complications (
7 patients), or to recurrence of the tumor (10 cases). The final outcome an
alysis recorded neurological impairment in 29 % of cases, neuropsychologica
l deficit in 50 % of patients, and residual endocrine disorders in 19 %. So
cial independence was recovered by 86 % of patients, 76 % of them returned
to work, 72 % of students returned to normal school attendance . The long-t
erm neurological outcome was better with the transcallosal approach. No con
clusion was possible concerning neuropsychological outcome, as postoperativ
e neuropsychological assessment was not available for most of the patients
operated on with the transcortical approach.
Prognosis - The results of treatment were evaluated only for the most frequ
ent lesions (colloid cysts and gliomas). The outcome was worse for gliomas
when compared to colloid cysts, considering mortality (13 % vs 8 %), neurol
ogical impairment (36 % vs 21 %), residual endocrine disorders (34 % vs 0 %
), and ability to return to work (83 % vs 56 %).