It has been argued that dyslexics suffer from temporal sensory processing d
eficits which affect their ability to discriminate speech in quiet environm
ents. The impact of auditory deficits on non-language aspects of perception
, however, is poorly understood. In almost every natural-listening environm
ent, one must constantly construct scenes of the auditory world by grouping
and analyzing sounds generated by multiple sources. We investigated whethe
r dyslexics have difficulties grouping sounds. The results demonstrate that
dyslexics have an impairment in grouping auditory objects that depends bot
h on the sounds' frequency and presentation rate (i.e. the spearo-temporal
context of the sound). We conclude that dyslexics have difficulty construct
ing scenes of the auditory world, and that these deficits tan contribute to
learning impairments. NeuroReport 11:1967-1971 (C) 2000 Lippincott William
s & Wilkins.