Using the 1997 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Method
ology, and statistical data from the China Agricultural Yearbook, we estima
ted that the direct N2O emission from agricultural fields in China in 1990
was 0.282 Tg N. Based on micro-meteorological field measurement of NH3 vola
tilization from agricultural fields in different regions and under differen
t cropping systems, the total NH3 volatilization from agricultural fields i
n China in 1990 was calculated to be 1.80 Tg N, which accounted for 11% of
the applied synthetic fertilizer N. Ammonia volatilization from agricultura
l soil was related to the cropping system and the form of N fertilizer. Amm
onia volatilization from paddy fields was higher than that from uplands, an
d NH4HCO3 had a higher potential of NH3 volatilization than urea. N loss th
rough leaching from uplands in north China accounted for 0.5-4.2% of the ap
plied synthetic fertilizer N. In south China, the leaching of applied N and
soil N from paddy fields ranged from 6.75 to 27.0 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1), whil
e N runoff was between 2.45 and 19.0 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1).