We show how some features of the AdS-CFT correspondence for AdS(3) can easi
ly be understood via standard world-sheet methods and 2D gravitylike scalin
g arguments. To do this, we propose a stringy way for perturbing two-dimens
ional CFT's around their critical points. Our strategy is to start from a s
tringy (world-sheet) representation of 2D CFT in space-time. Next we pertur
b a world-sheet action by some marginal operators such that the space-time
symmetry becomes finite dimensional. As a result, we get a massive FT in sp
ace-time with a scale provided by the two-dimensional coupling constant. It
turns out that there exists a perturbation that leads to string theory on
AdS(3). In this case the scale is equivalently provided by the radial anti-
de Sitter coordinate.