Mangroves from the Gulf Coast region are important wood resources that have
been intensively exploited, thus affecting their ecological stability. The
present research delves into the dynamics of the establishment of three ma
ngrove species. Variables analyzed were recruitment, dispersion, viviparus
rate, and the daily rate of seedlings survival. The dominant species were L
aguncularia racemosa (L.) Gaertn [900 individuals/hectare] and Avicennia ge
rminans (L.)[767 ind/ha], showing a recruitment at the intertidal level and
under high illumination conditions of 14+/-4 and 1+/-0.3 ind/m2, respectiv
ely. The L. racemosa viviparous rate in its natural environment was 41-51%
with a survival of 20 to 30% during a 157 day experimental period, contrast
ing with the performance of A. germinans (0% survival at 80 days).