This study examined the perceptions of social support reported by 70 Africa
n-American, 44 Hispanic, 20 Native-American, and 69 Asian-American doctoral
students (N = 203) concerning their experiences in graduate school. The Do
ctoral Student Survey was used to measure the levels and types of social su
pport provided. One-way analysis of Variance of mean scores indicated that
a majority of doctoral students perceived the academic environment on campu
s and faculty advisers to be strong sources of social support, while percei
ving the social environment on campus as unsupportive of their progress. Th
e African-American and Native-American doctoral students perceived the soci
al environment on campus to be less supportive than did the Hispanic and As
ian-American doctoral students, and Native-American doctoral students perce
ived their departments to be less supportive than did the African-American,
Hispanic, and Asian-American doctoral students.