The separate naming of fungal anamorphs (those producing spores through mit
osis) and teleomorphs (with spores formed after a meiotic event) has until
now been an unavoidable complication for many fungal groups, due to the rar
ity with which multiple morphs are encountered, and technical difficulties
in linking stages of life cycles. This arrangement has great practical valu
e for identification, but is massively confusing to non-taxonomists who can
not understand why a single organism can have more than one correct name. I
t is also a major barrier to information flow. The rapidly increasing amoun
ts of data available from molecular phylogenetic studies, as well as from t
raditional culture-based connection work, mean that the integration of the
two classification systems is becoming more feasible, at least for many eco
nomically important fungal groups. The need to prepare for this event is st
ressed, and options are considered for managing the change with minimum dis
ruption to working scientists.