This study employs DNA sequence analysis to infer the phylogeny of Calonect
ria species and species of other hypocrealean genera with cylindrical macro
conidia. The taxonomy of Cylindrocladiella species was also investigated. C
alonectria forms a monophyletic lineage, as do the anamorph genera Cylindro
cladiella, Cylindrocarpon, Curvicladium, Gliocephalotrichum, Gliocladiopsis
and Xenocylindrocladium. Based on molecular data and distinctive anamorph
morphology, new holomorph genera are proposed for the teleomorphs of Cylind
rocladiella (Nectricladiella), Gliocladiopsis (Glionectria) and Xenocylindr
ocladium (Xenocalonectria). The data also support the recognition of previo
usly proposed holomorph genera for Cylindrocarpon (Neonectria) and Glioceph
alotrichum (Leuconectria). To date, no teleomorph has been reported for Cur
vicladium cigneum, although our results suggest that C. cigneum is closely
related to Xenocalonectria. Eight species of Cylindrocladiella are recogniz
ed, with two having known teleomorphs in Nectricladiella, namely N. camelli
ae (Cylindrocladiella microcylindrica) and N. infestans (Ce. infestans). A
key to holomorph genera, based primarily on anamorphic characters, is appen