Members of the kinesin superfamily of proteins participate in a wide variet
y of cellular processes. Although much attention has been devoted to the st
ructural and biophysical properties of the force-generating motor domain of
kinesins, the factors controlling the functional specificity of each kines
in have only recently been examined. Genetic and biochemical approaches hav
e identified two classes of proteins that associate physically with the div
erse non-motor domains of kinesins. These proteins can be divided into two
general classes: first, those that form tight complexes with the kinesin an
d are instrumental in directing the distinct function of the motor (i.e. dr
ivers) and, second, those proteins that might transiently interact with the
motor or be an integral part of the motor's cargo (i.e. passengers). Here,
we discuss known kinesin-binding proteins, and how they might participate
in the activity of their motor partners.