Objectives - Ultrasound of the brain supplying arteries is a standard diagn
ostic procedure in patients with suspected and definite acute and chronic c
erebrovascular occlusive disease. Anatomical and pathological limitations l
ed to the development of echocontrast agents which are able to survive pulm
onary and capillary transit and improve the echogenicity of the flowing blo
od. Material and Methods - This article reviews present and future applicat
ions of echocontrast agents in conjunction with personal experiences. Resul
ts - Currently, echocontrast is used for the differentiation of internal ca
rotid artery occlusion and pseudoocclusion, better delineation of the maxim
al narrowing in high-grade stenoses, and better visualization of the extrac
ranial vertebral artery and its collaterals. Transcranial applications incl
ude the insufficient foraminal or temporal window, assessment of arterioven
ous malformations, thrombosis of cerebral veins and sinuses, and intracrani
al aneurysms. The use of echocontrast can have direct diagnostic and therap
eutic consequences. Harmonic imaging, perfusion imaging, stimulated acousti
c emission, and drug delivery are possible future domains of the technique.
Discussion Besides the support of conventional neurovascular ultrasound in
poor examination conditions due to the patients' anatomy or pathology, ech
ocontrast agents may allow for novel applications in the diagnosis and trea
tment of cerebrovascular patients.