Duping a period of Zi years 162 acoustic neuromas or vestibular schwannomas
(VS) were diagnosed in the county of Aarhus, During this period the incide
nce increased gradually, probably due to improvement of the quality of comp
uted tomography imaging (CTI), and more widely available access to magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI). Sixty-four patients were followed up by repeated
CTI or MRI, whereas the remaining patients were referred for immediate oper
ation. Six of the observed patients had their tumours removed after demonst
ration of continuous tumour growth. The observation of 64 rumours over peri
ods between 5 months and 1 years provided useful information on the natural
history of sporadic VS. Our results showed that 14 VS (22%) regressed, 35
VS (55%) did not grow or had only minimal growth (growth rate up to 1 mm/ye
ar), whereas 15 VS (23%) grew > 1 mm/year. All VS with positive growth had
regular growth patterns.