Digestion of diverse strains of sedimentary bacteria by deposit feeders occ
urs at markedly disparate efficiencies, thus altering the composition of ba
cteria in feces and surrounding sediments. In an earlier study, I explored
2 potential mechanisms for resistance to lysis by digestive fluids of Areni
cola marina (Polychaeta: Arenicolidae), cell wall ultrastructure and exopol
ymeric capsules. This correlative study revealed no relationship between en
capsulation and lytic susceptibility across strains, whereas cell wall type
(Gram-positive or -negative) was not independent of susceptibility, with G
rampositive strains always resistant. In this study, I tested the importanc
e of capsules within strains by comparing susceptibility after manipulation
of capsule quantity using 2 techniques: (1) mechanical removal of capsules
, and (2) harvest of cells through various growth phases as capsule thickne
ss changes, We found that resistant strains remained resistant regardless o
f capsule quantity. Two of 3 strains that normally exhibit some susceptibil
ity to lysis, Pseudomonas atlantica and SS-1, however, increased in their s
usceptibility with mechanical removal of capsules. Further, capsule quantit
y per cell varied throughout the growth cycle for these 2 strains, and lyri
c susceptibility varied concomitantly during logarithmic phase, in an inver
se manner. Susceptibility of the third susceptible strain, IQ-2, remained u
naltered with removal of capsules. This strain also exhibited dramatic chan
ge in capsule thickness with culture age, but lytic susceptibility was posi
tively correlated to capsule mass per cell, in marked contrast to P. atlant
ica and SS-1. Although capsules can reduce the susceptibility of some bacte
rial strains, their presence does not convey protection from digestion in a
ll strains, nor is encapsulation the only mechanism of resistance. One comm
on feature for all these strains was that susceptibility to lysis declined
after cultures reached stationary phase. Consequently, deposit feeding may
impact physiological as well as taxonomic structure of bacterial assemblage
s in sediments.