Grassland communities found on dry, steep, south-facing slopes in the Aishi
hik-Sekulmun Lakes area, southwest Yukon Territory, are dominated by Artemi
sia frigida and Carer filifolia, with Calamagrostis purpurascens, Poa glauc
a, Penstemon gormanii, Phlox hoodii, and Potentilla nivea subdominant. The
grasslands are similar in terms of dominants and subdominants to other gras
slands in southwest Yukon, but twelve species that have not been recorded a
t other sites were found in the Aishihik-Sekulmun area. The composite speci
es list from southwest Yukon grasslands was compared to those from grasslan
ds found in Alaska and in the boreal forest on the northern Great Plains. T
hese three regions share a number of species; however, at least 25% of the
species in each region are restricted to that region alone and absent from
the other two. The southwest Yukon grasslands flora contains the following
groups: species restricted to southwest Yukon, species found in both southw
est Yukon and Great Plains grasslands, species found in both southwest Yuko
n and Alaska grasslands, and species found in grasslands in all three regio
ns. Further work is needed to more fully characterize the floristic compone
nts of southwest Yukon grasslands and variations among them.