The May COM: A 35-year-old, previously healthy male presented with transien
t symptoms of mild speech impairment. A CT scan showed a left temporal mass
lesion suggestive of glioblastoma. Histological examination of the biopsy
revealed a mixed cell infiltrate, while only PCR tests demonstrated the pre
sence of toxoplasma gondii DNA in the specimen. Thereafter, HIV serology es
tablished the diagnosis of advanced HIV infection, constituting the cerebra
l lesion as AIDS-defining disease. Upon anti-toxoplasma therapy, the clinic
al course was favorable and follow-up CT scans demonstrated a marked regres
sion of the lesion. Under a triple antiretroviral drug regime, the patient
is free of symptoms six months after the initial presentation. The value of
molecular pathological tools as a supplement to histological examinations
on biopsy specimens is stressed.